March 12, 2005

The Arab Dream

For non-Arabic readers, these are the lyrics of an Arabic song called the "Arab Dream" which is about a dream for peace, unity, optimism, positive attitude, and hope. I find it very appropriate to post here as it is one of the very few "large group" productions in the Arab world, sung by many artists from all around the Arab world, done in the "We are the World" style, the effort is very befitting the meaning in the song itself, I am very touched every time it plays, as it reminds me of the older generations' dream for unity of the Arab world, and at times when Iraqis and Palestinian children were being bombed by people that have no right to be in their land or skies, it provokes a deeper meaning inside all of us, one of anger, helplessness and disgust.

كلمات أوبيريت الحلم العربي

اجيال ورا اجيال --- ح تعيش على حلمنا
واللي نقوله اليوم --- محسوب على عمرنا

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا

الحلم ماهو مستحيل --- مادام تحقيقه مباح
والليل لو صار طويل --- اكيد من بعده صباح

قول انت بكل مافيك -- إن كان لك والا عليك
حاول جرب وبتوصل --- شرف التجربه يكفيك

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا

عرف زمانك من تكون --- إرضى طموحك اجتهد
افتح لمرآتك عيون --- يبصر بها من جا بعد

إتحدى الكون وإتمرد --- وإتعلم تبقى جريء
مشوار الألف ميل --- خطوة تبدأ بطريق

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا

محتاج العدل للقوة --- علشان تقدر تحميه
ولا عمر بكلمة وشكوى --- حق بيرجع اراضيه

والحب كل ناره شرارة --- وعيون مليانه بشارة
بعيد تكوين العالم --- اطفال بإيدها حجارة

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا

من اي مكان في الارض --- ناطق بلسان الضاد
وبأعلى الصوت والنبض --- بنقول الوحدة ميلاد

اطفالنا بكل مكان --- ضي عيون الاوطان
الحق الحب الخير --- رسالتنا في كل زمان

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا

و معانا غنوا و قولو --- الفن دا طوق و نجاة
من الحزن بنخلق فرحة -- من حرف طريق وحياة

كلمة صدق في أغنية --- تتقال و تعدي في ثانية
جايز من بعد سنين --- تتغير بيها الدنية

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا

خلي الأغاني حقيقة --- وأحسب لوقتك حساب
كل الدروب الغريقة --- يفتح لها الحب باب

و الغنوة في كل حدود --- و وطنها هو القلب
و مادام عايشين هنغني -- و مدام قادرين هنحب

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا

و الحب ماهوش بالكلمة --- بالفعل و بالاحساس
كن ضي و نجمة و بسمة --- و دليل في طريق الناس

حلمنا وفي كل زمان --- وحدة كل الأوطان
كل الخلافات حتزول --- وكفاية انك انسان

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا

فنك وطنك في الغربة --- من منين ما تخطي دليل
غني للناس وللصحبة --- هتلاقي الكون جميل

بلغات العالم حبوا --- واختصره سنين بثواني
قدر العصفور طيران --- وقدرنا نغني أغاني

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا

الشجرة و كانت بذرة --- و القصة وكانت فكرة
ومدام بنحب ونحلم --- راح نوصل سكة بكرة

نتمنى الحلم يكون --- ونغير اي سكون
ما كثير الحق بيسطع --- ويقولوا عليه جنون

جايز ظلام الليل --- يبعدنا يوم انما
يقدر شعاع النور --- يوصل لأبعد سما
دا حلمنا طول عمرنا --- حضن يضمنا كلنا كلنا



Berlin Hair Baby said...

very thought provoking blog you've got here. If you hear of any translations of the song text, I would be interested. thanks.

Sheltox said...

I like the words. But why does it have a western flavor in its music? If the words were in English I could have mistaken it for an american song. Nice words but no identity in the music.

Highlander said...

I love this song everytime I hear it I start crying fact I'll just listen to it again now ! Great blog

Chanad said...

Sorry, but I have to say I can't stand this song. The idealism and romanticism contained in the lyrics is so typical of the Arab mindset today. It shows that the only thing that today's Arab leaders have in common is rhetoric.

This song is far away from reality... it really is just "a dream". Compare to the much better music of Fairuz back in the day... or for something contemporary, try listening to some Arab rap, which is far more realistic and down to earth.

Nice blog though!

Ayman Haykal said...

Good song. Unrealistic optimism and emotional rhetoric are sometimes needed! The even better song is "Al-Watan Al-Akbar" which was performed by a group of Egyptian singers back in the 1960s.

Unknown said...

This song has a lot of meaning which allows for us to 'dream' and hope for a better future for the new Arab generation. Be it that it does not represent the trust and worth of our nations today it is yet a symbolic wish of what the hopeful future to come.

Call me an optimist bus I shall dream of one united arab nation and a better future for my children

Dalulla said...

hi 1PA. It is so nice I found someone with similar thought as myself. by the way, you have earned a great deal of respect, from me personally.. I really look up to you.. rabena yekremek!

One thing that really pisses me off are the negative comments of some pple such as .."it is unrealistic", It is "only a dream".. Well, i believe a dream can become true. Problem is, the negative aspects will only change when each Arab leader thinks of the true need of his people and his country. When those leaders stop fearing anyone but Allah.. When they realise that we have so much strength but we need to start using it, when they realise that all the Arab/Moslem leaders need to unite and if just a number of them do, won't even say all, they will form a large power if they all unite under the belief "In tansoro Allah yansorkom" and "kam min fi2aten kaleela ghalabat fi2atan katheera (or kabeera, not sure) bi Ithn Illah"..
The other aspect is some individuals in the society.. they need to start being really proud of being Arab, whether moslem or christian.. WE need to be proud of who we are and not try to become something we aren't.. It is alright to make use of the positive aspects the West offers, but to still be proud of our roots!

Finally, where the song is concerned, the song is beautiful, portraying a dream that insha'Allah will come true some day. I am Optimistic!

magmar said...

I love this song too, & cry every time I listen to it, but it doesn't bring anything.
what can us realy do....

LuLiTa! said...

this song rocks this is the Arab dream and who ever says any thing other then that is not an Arab at all. this dream will come true one day and all of us Arabs will be united as one. this dream will get somewhere and is Israel better watch out.

Arabian Girl said...

this song is very nice and it has a lots of meaning!!